Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Bzzzz, a puppet show

I've always been intrigued by puppets. I suspect Mr. Rogers Neighborhood is at the center of this, but I do also recall some paperbag puppets in my elementary school years.

At the December meeting of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont we got to meet fantastic puppeteer Sarah Frechette and her partner Jason as Sarah performed a mini-show of The Snowflake Man, based on Vermonter Snowflake Bentley, who photographed the first snow crystal in 1885. Sarah also gave us access to her giant pop-up book which is also the stage for The Snowflake Man!

Afterward, Sarah and Jason helped us each make our own pop-up stage and stick-puppet with just paper and a kabob stick.

Last week I made a puppet show with my creation and wanted to share it with you.

Ultimately, I'd like to make a much neater stage and puppet.  But for now, I'm happy with my summer show.

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